Monday, December 16, 2013

Never Lose Hope

(in french at bottom of page - en français en bas de la page)
(mixed media personal journal page)

(page multi-média d'un journal personnel)
'To live without hope is to cease to live.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky -

"Hope is a state of mind which promotes the belief of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life." From the time we are born, we face many challenges in order to survive. As we get older, we're facing more of them and sometimes complicated ones - emotional, physical, financial and / or spiritual.
It is essential to keep hope alive in moments of unbearable darkness because the absence of hope is despair and depression. To overcome life's disappointments we have to fight and change the way we see things. We should surround ourselves with the love and care from people we trust, and let them inspire and motivate us.
Always see the big picture.
Never give up. 
Never lose hope.

Let the "Queen Of Hope With A Red Heart" bring you inspiration. 
This one-of-a-kind sculpture is available in my Etsy shop.

"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams a reality."
~ Jonas Salk ~ (American biologist, inventor of the first polio vaccine)


~~~~~Version Française ~~~~~

 Ne Jamais Perdre Espoir

'Vivre sans espoir est de cesser de vivre.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky -

"L'espoir est un état d'esprit qui favorise la croyance des résultats positifs liés aux événements et aux circonstances dans sa vie". À partir du moment où nous sommes nés, nous sommes confrontés a de nombreux défis afin de survivre. À mesure que nous vieillissons, nous faisons face à plusieurs d'entre eux et qui sont parfois compliqués - émotionnels, physiques, financiers et/ou spirituels.
Il est essentiel de garder l'espoir dans les moments d'obscurité insupportable parce que l'absence d'espoir est désespoir et dépression. Pour surmonter les déceptions de la vie nous devons nous battre et changer la façon dont nous voyons les choses. Nous devrions nous entourer de l'amour et des soins de personnes en qui nous avons confiance, et de les laisser nous inspirer et motiver.
Il faut toujours examiner la situation dans son ensemble.
Ne jamais abandonner.
Ne jamais perdre espoir.
Laissez-vous inspirer par la "Reine de l'Espoir Avec Un Coeur Rouge".
Cette sculpture unique est disponible dans mon magasin Etsy.

"L'espoir se situe dans les rêves, dans l'imagination, et dans le courage de ceux qui osent transformer les rêves en réalité.
 ~ Jonas Salk ~ (biologiste américain, inventeur du premier vaccin contre la polio)


Monday, December 2, 2013

Good Luck Sculpture: BUTTERFLY

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
                      And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.
~Irish Blessing ~
The butterfly is a powerful symbol in myth and religion. Universally, it represents change and transformation. The significant meaning lies in its impressive process of metamorphosis by starting its life in one form and ending it in another. 
In many traditions around the world, the butterfly is also a symbol of the human soul (in Greek myth, Psyche - which literally translates to mean “soul” - is represented in the form of a butterfly), resurrection (Christianity), longevity & love (Asia), creativity, freedom, joy and colour (Native Americans). 
Because of its very short life span the butterfly reminds us that life is precious and short, and not to waste it. It also teaches us to embrace the inevitable transformative changes in our lives with grace and lightness.
The BUTTERFLY as a Good Luck charm:
According to an old European tradition, butterflies are creatures that portray the souls of the dead in transition, similar in belief to many birds and therefore are to be treated with great respect.
The first white butterflies seen in the year are connected with the onset of good fortune.
Three butterflies together mean good luck.
In Scotland the appearance of a golden butterfly near someone who is very ill represents good omen possibly indicating recovery, although there are many meanings attached to this sighting, one being happiness after death…
Dreaming about a butterfly among flowers indicates prosperity
(from “Your Lucky Book – an encyclopedia of all things Good Luck” by Jim Rose & Bébé Aschard-Rose/Olympian Publishing). 
This lovely Good Luck steampunk sculpture is a new addition to the family and is available in my Etsy shop. She's made with a wire armature, up-cycled papers, fabric & plaster, and embellished with found objects, image transfers, jewelry parts and beads. 
This sculpture is signed, dated and coded.

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."  

~Hans Christian Andersen ~